The Credit Test To See If you Have Credit Problems:

If you answer yes to any of these questions, then you have credit problems.

*Your creditors keep calling you for payment.
*You don't have a budget worked out.
*You pay bills at a check cashing store or Western Union instead of mailing them in.
*You use your credit card to buy groceries.
*You have to cash your checks at a check cashing store.
*You use your credit card for cash advances at the ATM.
*You can't open a checking account.(History of bad checks.)
*Filing bankruptcy is on your mind.
*You have more than 2 master card type credit cards.
*You have a balance on your gas card.
*You have a balance on your department store card: Usually 19%
*You withdraw little amounts of money from the ATM more than once per week from your savings.

This is call "Taking your credit pulse"

*If you answered yes to any of these questions then you need this fact filled procedural manual.